Monday 30 September 2019

Coding Day #6

What I did today

today i completed challenge 2 of section 3 and started challenge 2

What I learned

By using the same method as the windows I could add roof designs
to different buildings

What I will do tomorrow
I will finish challenge 2

                                                                          Challenge 2 of chapter 3

Friday 27 September 2019

Coding Day #5

What I did today

Today I started section 3 of the cityscape and the difficulty just got harder.

What I learned 

I learned to make certain parts of the code to put in different window types

What I will do next class

next class I plan on finishing part 2 of section 3 and starting part 3.

What i learned overall

  • How to use variables to place windows
  • How variables work
  • how coordinated work
  • functions

Thursday 26 September 2019


What I did today

Today i completed chapter 2 section 2 and 3 and used variables to copy smaller rectangles into a larger rectangle to create windows for the buildings

what I learned

I learned to use more complicated variables to move windows into the buildings

What i will do tomorrow
tomorrow I will be starting chapter 3 of the cityscape

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Coding Day #3

What I did today
Today I completed chapter 1 section 8 and finished chapter 1
chapter 2 section 1

What I learned today
I learned to make windows by putting a different coloured rectangle in a rectangle

what I will do tomorrow
I will try to complete section 2 of the basic city scape

Tuesday 24 September 2019

coding day2

What I did today
Today I completed challenge 4-6 and managed to to used variables to make increasing the rectangle easier.

What did I learn
I learned how to use variables to make sizes of rectangles.
I also learned how to incorporate math with the variables.

What I will do tomorrow
tomorrow I will try to complete chapter 1 of the basic city.

Monday 23 September 2019

Coding day 1

                                                        What I did today:

Today I learned how to make rectangles and change there colour. I managed to complete challenges 1-3 of chapter 1.

                                                        What I learned:

I learned how to increase the size of the rectangles using the X and Y coordinates and to increase the width and height of rectangles

                                                What I will do tomorrow:

I plan on completing challenge 4 and 5 of chapter 1 and if there's enough time challenge 6

Thursday 12 September 2019

Photoshop Tutorial

                                             ANIMAL HYBRIDS

  Find 2 animals you would like to make into a hybrid.
 Choose the quick select tool (W) and highlight everything leaving the head
 Press Ctrl-Alt I and then Ctrl J both functions reverses the highlighted parts and removes them.
Move the head that was cut and move it to the other animal
Use the colour balance and change the head colour to the body
Use the clone stamp tool (S) and press  Alt to take a pic of a part of the animal and use it to blend the body and head.
add a shadow (If necessary) using the burn tool (O) 

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Animal Hybrids

1. tutorial hybrid
2. my tutorial hybrid 

3. Three thing hybrid original images

The hybrid

Monday 9 September 2019

Stencyl final post

What have I learned: By playing I have learned to use pieces of code to add functions to the Scene,Actors and tiles I have also learned to...