Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Stencyl final post

What have I learned:
By playing I have learned to use pieces of code to add functions to the Scene,Actors and tiles
I have also learned to use behaviors to give actors and the scene a specific command(for example the camera scroll) which makes the scene move when the actor moves. Physics can be added to change the actors and scene such as Gravity, rotation and weight.

With all of the commands you put together you can make a simple game in 15-20 minutes if your good with coding

What I liked:

I liked the concept of making a simple game by using the crash course kit provided to make an easy plat former game or a shooter game.

What I didn't like:

I wished Stencyl came with actors without having to import sprites or install a kit which can hard to find.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020


Space invaders


The space invades crash course took about 2-3 classes to complete the most difficult part for me was trying to find the right pieces of code to put in the game.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Stencyl Crash course

So far I have completed the first crash course and now i'm  at part 8 of the second one
I had to restart the first crash course because the movable character would ascend up to the top off the screen making the level unplayable

Friday, 6 December 2019

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Game journalism Day 1

What type of game is this?

Desert skies is an open world survival game. each game you create has the random loot generated.
The main goal of the game is to stay alive while the Seeker is after you.

Rope is used for almost every crafting recipe

Random lootboxes contain important crafting materials

A box of nails on the destroyed wagon

Stencyl final post

What have I learned: By playing I have learned to use pieces of code to add functions to the Scene,Actors and tiles I have also learned to...